We are KREAN. We create, through engineering, better architecture and industry, better infrastructures and spaces, so that they have a positive impact on people, their environment, and the future that we share.


State-of-the-art infrastructures for aircraft engines
KREAN has worked with ITP Aero in the 6 production plants it has in Spain: Sestao, Barakaldo, Derio, Zamudio, Ajalvir and Albacete.

An indispensable university
The Basque Country University (UPV-EHU) has entrusted KREAN with the project design and site management of the new building for the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing.

One of the first barrel-making industries in Europe
The integration of the history of the Tonelería Murua in an innovative headquarters, in which the process and the building complement each other and form part of the whole, was one of the important challenges of this project.