
LKS KREAN aurrean ibili da 2. Bizkaiko Enpresen Lasterketan

Bilboko bulegoko lau lankidek osotutako talde batek parte hartu du joan den igandean, ekainaren 9an, 2. Bizkaiko enpresen lasterketan. Itsas museoko esplanadatik urten eta ibaiaren inguruan bete dute 8 kilometroko ibilbidea.

97 talde izan ziren gizonezkoen lasteketan parte hartu zutenak, eta gure taldea 9. postu zoragarrian sartu zen, ibilbidea 35 minutu eta 37 segundotan burututa.

Zorionak laukote!




Sergio De Jaime, architect at KREAN, has participated in the Go Green Materials project results and contrast dissemination day, held on April 30 at the headquarters of BUILD:INN (Basque Con

In a webinar that will take place next Monday, May 6th at 16:30 hours, Xabier Gorrotxategi, Civil Engineer / ITOP of KREAN, will present the objectives and scope of URAGUA, solutio

Our colleague Nora Inoriza, from DIARADESIGN (design firm integrated in KREAN), has been collaborating with Euskadi Irratia for more than a year in the BAIPASA program, sharing her experience and k
