
DIARADESIGN-ek nazioarteko Trenbide Diseinuaren 2018 RVID kongresuan hitzaldi bat emanez parte hartu du

DIARADESIGNek bere diseinuaren ikuspegiari buruzko hitzaldia aurkeztu du Nazioarteko Trenbide Diseinuaren 2018 RVID Kongresuan (http://www.rvid.org.cn/forum_en/). CRRC osatzen duten fabrikatzaileek antolatzen dute kongresu hau eta Qingdao (Txina) hirian ospatzen da bi urtean behin.

Speech title: How to create memorable journeys.

At DIARADESIGN we try to imagine future scenarios, where people will move. New Transformational mobility systems will be designed responding to user needs and expectations, improving their experience along the whole journey.  This is where operators will put their attention, creating new services that generate great value to users, meanwhile the technological advances will enable manufacturers to give life to those futuristic concepts. This global vision allows us to create human oriented innovative solutions worldwide.




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