
KREANek Euskal Enpresen Topaketan parte hartu du, COP25 Klimaren Goi Bileraren barruan

Madrilen egiten ari den COP25 Klimaren Goi Bileraren esparruan eta Euskal Enpresen Topaketaren barruan, KREANek "Basque Country Special Focus. Euskal industriaren potentziala Trantsizio Energetikoan" saioan parte hartu du. Saio horretan, Carlos Beracierto, KREAN Property & Structuring erakundeko zuzendariordeak "Relevance of public-private collaboration for technology, innovation and sustainability based industrial development" hitzaldia eman du.

KREAN, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren eskutik eta euskal enpresen zerrenda luze batekin batera  doa topagune honetara,  Petronor, Irizar, ITP Aero, EEE, Iberdrola, CAF, Ormazabal, Gestamp, Siemens Gamesa eta Tecnalia, hain zuzen.




Our colleague Nora Inoriza, from DIARADESIGN (design firm integrated in KREAN), has been collaborating with Euskadi Irratia for more than a year in the BAIPASA program, sharing her experience and k

The interview with the architects of KREAN deals about the Mondragón Music School as a singular project.

Last March, the Special Urban Development Plan for A.U.11 "Amue" in Azpeitia, promoted by the Town Council itself, was finally approved (B.O.G. No. 65 of 04/04/2024).
