
We move forward with ECOPV and MULTIPV, two projects supported by the Basque Government HAZITEK

HAZITEK is the aid programme to support business R&D, co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027.

The ECOPV project, developed in collaboration with JEMA, develops economically viable energy storage and management solutions for photovoltaic plants, has received aid from this programme in 2023, the year in which verifications of potential technical solutions have been carried out.

The overall objective of the MULTIPV project is to carry out the necessary research and development to create new advanced technologies for multifunctional photovoltaic modules and systems that enable the integration of photovoltaic technology in buildings and infrastructures to produce renewable electrical energy close to the consumption centres, taking advantage of the areas already built. Likewise, in a transversal manner, the objective is to create and favour the communication of a Basque business environment that can respond to the new demands of renewable electricity generation in urban and infrastructures environments, acquiring the necessary knowledge that will enable them to position themselves at the forefront of this sector.




KREAN has signed the design, execution project, works direction and construction management of this new Mondrago

Ane Miren Martínez and Alberto Vázquez, from KREAN, support the Leartibai Foundation in the day of reflection on the "Regional Economic Development Strategic Plan".

The Krean architect considers that the design of a building necessarily requires knowing in advance what is going to happen inside it
