Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Andoain, Gipuzkoa

The aim of the consultation was to analyse the risk arising from Climate Change in the municipality of Andoain, identifying the most vulnerable sectors and, through prioritisation, determining courses of action, defining their technical and management characteristics.

The consultation was carried out in the following phases and with the following results:

PHASE 1: Diagnosis. Definition and implementation

o Analysis of the information sources

o Confirmation of the threats to be included in the Adaptation Plan

o Definition of the sectors and themes to be analysed

o Gathering of municipal and sectoral information

PHASE 2: Evaluation of evidence, vulnerabilities and risks

o Compilation and analysis of climate effects

o Cross-checking sectoral data against climate effects

o Prioritisation by each sectoral area of analysis

PHASE 3: Definition of objectives, strategic lines and actions. Indicators and evaluation and monitoring system

o Definition of objectives and strategic lines

o Definition of actions and indicators for evaluation and monitoring

Lastly, and during the Plan implementation, internal participation actions were carried out (technical coordination and coordination with the Urban Planning Commission) and external participation (presentation of the Plan's progress and results) in coordination meetings and workshops, respectively.



