
Recanati Winery in Israel, designed by KREAN, is up and running

Recanati Winery has received its first harvest in their new setting in the Upper Galilee (Israel). Krean has been collaborating hand in hand with them for the past 6 years, from the architectural concept to the process detail design. The winery is now operational and the visitor centre is expected to open later on in the year.

The winery is designed for the elaboration of premium wine, with a total potential volume of 2.000.000 bottles per year, having currently installed tanks for 75% of volume of the final goal. The project combines tradition with latest technology, and has been designed following LEED standard. New tanks have been installed amongst restored tanks from the existing facilities. The line includes new reception equipment, wine making equipment, barrel room, bottling line, finished good storage and expedition facilities. Energy efficient equipment has been incorporated for temperature control in the process in an environmentally friendly setting.

The winery is conceived as a sequence of volumes, which are connected by a covered steel canopy surrounding the entrance piazza.  The first volume will house the visitor center. The second volume, includes storage and offices. The wine making tanks are located outdoors, north of the storage area. The volumes are independent but have a connection in terms of geometry and materials.

The building is integrated with the natural environment, each volume with a different height as the undulating landscape. The local volcanic rock is incorporated in the design with basalt gabion cladding, creating a dialogue between the architecture and the landscape.


Photographs by Lior Pozniak.




Sergio De Jaime KREANeko arkitektoak Go Green Materials proiektuaren emaitzak zabaltzeko eta kontrastatzeko jardunaldian parte hartu du, joan den apirilaren 30ean, Bilboko BUILD:INNen egoit

Datorren astelehenean, maiatzak 6, 16:30ean izango den webinar batean, Xabier Gorrotxategik, KREANeko Ingeniari Zibila/ITOPk, URAGUAren helburuak eta irismena aurkeztuko ditu.

DIARADESIGNeko (KREANen integratutako diseinu taldea) gure lankide Nora Inorizak urtebete baino gehiago darama Euskadi Irratiarekin elkarlanean BAIPASA programan, eta bere esperientzia eta ezagutza
